
1.28 (2024-10-01)

New POLY directive
New BOOKMARK directive
New BACKGROUND directive
New PNGCOMP directive
New MANDALA directive
New TRANSFORM directive
New LINKCACHE directive
New LINKADO directive
New MODULEPDF directive
New PAGETEXT directive
New PAGEBREAK directive
New SEED directive
New SEEDRANGE directive
New LINKREP directive
New LINKCSV directive
New LOOKUP function
New COLRGB function
New RANGEINT function
New TRIMSTRING function
New RANGEINS function
New PDFMODULE function
New FILEREAD function
New INFOFILE function
New RANGETRANS function
New RANGEREP function
Added different types, colors, thicknesses, and corners for HTMLBORDER
Added parameters in HTMLFONT/HTMLIMAGE to add CSS styles
Added parameter in LINE/LINERECT to set distance for elements
Added parameter in ICONS to specify a frame list for icons
Added 1/2 flags in HTMLFONT to add list format
Added U/D flags in DECK for specifying if the deck is face up/down
Added parameters in HTMLKEY to replace strings
Added F flag to HTMLKEY to apply font only to replaced text
Added I flag in TABLE to draw proportionally the canvas
Added 2 flag to HEXGRID for interlaced coordinates
Added 2 flag to FRAMEHEX for interlaced coordinates
Added L flag to ICONS to keep icons in a single line
Added X flag to ICONS to use keys with variable length
Added F/B flags in TOKEN to set token in front/back
Added U flag in PAGE directive to draw edges over guidelines
Added LINE, LINEDOT, LINEDASH types of guidelines in BORDER
Added parameter in BORDER for the thickness of guidelines
Added parameters in HTMLTEXT to change text width and height
Added parameter in IMAGEFILTER to draw images with a transparency mask
Added parameter in CMYK to select the colorspace
Added parameter in INDEX function to find other occurrences
Added parameter in SPECIAL for line division
Added * in script parameter to nanDECK directive for concurrent execution
Added number option in LINKMULTI directive
Added new rules in DECK directive
Added parameters in POLYGON for curved sides
Added parameters in HTMLIMAGE to write text on images
Added parameters in TEXTLIMIT to define standard behaviours
Added parameters in DISPLAY to read only a partial area
Added parameter in COLORCHANGE for rounded corners
Added parameters in FRAMEHEX for set the scale of the grid
Added parameter in FRAMEBEZIER to move the frames along the curve
Added parameters in LINK to specify fields to keep
Added A/K flags in HTMLTEXT to use other engines
Added C flag in ICONS to crop images
Added O flag in IMAGE to crop source image
Added A flag in HTMLIMAGE to adjust also margins
Added P flag in HTMLFONT for proportional font scaling with F in HTMLTEXT
Added X flag in HTMLFONT for auto overflow
Added P flag in BRUSH for proportional custom images
Added F flag in SAVE to delete the file at the end
Added R/T/L flags in SAVE to rotate the saved image
Added tags in DISPLAY to rotate the saved image
Added a syntax in LINKMULTI to split a text field
Added parameters in GRADIENTS for star shaped gradients
Added parameter in HTMLTEXT to specify the paragraph separator
Added parameters in HTMLMARGIN for vertical stretch and rotation
Added parameters in ORIGIN to modify cm for % values
Added parameter in STAR for inner skewing
Added parameter in VORONOI to specify separation between zones
Added I flag in COLORCHANGE to invert colors
Added A flag in COLORCHANGE to specify more than one change
Added & parameter in alpha gradients to specify compression
Added X flag in HTMLIMAGE to not smooth the image
Added D flag in HTMLKEY to delete a key
Added E flag in FRAMEPER to select outer frames
Added K flag in SAVE to saved shrinked areas
Added flags in INFO for deck size and date/time
Added option in Insert Label to perform a conversion using SEQUENCE
Added X/Y flags it VISUAL to set global snap and size to grid
Added parameters in HTMLIMAGE for margins
Added R flag in HTMLKEY to use regular expressions
Added Z flag in HTMLKEY to write all in a single line
Added T flag in BRUSH to set a color as transparent in a custom brush
Added B flag in COLORCHANGE to blur images
Added N/S flags in LINKCOLOR to read font name and size
Added parameter in COLORCHANGE to make changes only in certain areas
Added a syntax in DISPLAY parameter to specify the number of rows
Added multiple ranges in DUPLEX/FOLD directives
Added NULL parameter to CHROMAKEY to disable transparency
Added parameter in FRAMEMAZE function for non-rectangular mazes
Added star shaped gradients
Added ability to read WebP files
Undo/Redo in Visual Editor

1.27 (2022-07-27)

New RANGE directive
New GRADIENTS directive
New LINKAUTO directive
New LINKTAB directive
New HTMLBORDER directive
New FLAGS directive
New LINKFILL directive
New EXPRESSION directive
New PAGESHAPE directive
New DEPTH directive
New MEASURE function
New REPEAT function
New CALC function
New FRAMEMAZE function
New PDFMERGE function
Added parameter in HTMLMARGINS for font stretching
Added parameter in IMAGEFILTER for blending options
Added S flag in SAVE for shrinking the image
Added I/E flags in LOADPDF for internal/external engine
Added C flag in SAVEPDF for convert PDF in CMYK using Ghostscript
Added S/V flags in COLORCHANGE for variations in resulting color
Added parameter in RENDER for using a range of cards
Added parameter in POLYGON for zoom
Added parameter in LINKFILL for setting a number of columns
Added conic gradients
Added multiple angles for a gradient
Added MULTI keyword in SEQUENCE..ENDSEQUENCE structure
Added ranges of results in combinatoric engine
Added Library button in the main window
Added parameters in LINE/LINERECT/BEZIER/BEZIERS for arrow angle
Added parameter in HTMLBORDER for inner background transparency
Added parameters in HTMLBORDER for min/max height
Added parameter in HTMLFONT for rotation of characters
Added parameter in HTMLIMAGE for rotation of image
Added parameter in HTMLTEXT for specifying a font used for paragraphs
Added U flag in HTMLTEXT for using font on multiple paragraphs
Added parameter in EDGE for INSIDE borders
Added parameter in EDGE to change tips
Added parameter in EDGE to change corners
Added W/H flags in ICONS to distribute icons
Added J flag in IMAGE for using alternate jpeg library
Added A flag in SAVE for using alternate jpeg library
Added C flag in LAYER for using layers with the canvas
Added M/S flags in REPLACE for multiple/single replacements
Added F flag in COPYCARD for rotate cards upside down
Added W/H/D/U flags in INFO function
Added parameter in COOICON for the icon index
Added parameters in ORIGIN for the % of the cards
Added parameter in SAVE for depth of saved files
Added parameter in FONT, FONTRANGE, and TEXTFONT for the spacing of circular text
Added J/G flags in HTMLTEXT for enlarging/evening lines of text
Added W/V/F flags in HTMLFONT for upper/lower/firstcase of text
Added H/V flags in CANVAS for centering the canvas in the cards
Added parameters in TEXT for stretching text
Added parameter in LOADPDF for angle
Added parameter in DICE directive for number of rerolls
Added X/Y flags in FONT directory for shrinking/stretching texts
Added T flag in FRAMEHEX function for removing last hexes
Added “all” button in the interface
Added hint lines in the preview area
Added CTRL+click in the preview area

1.26 (2021-04-11)

New CMYK directive
New TAGS directive
New MERGEPDF directive
New IMAGELIMIT directive
New LINKFONT directive
New LINKSPLIT directive
New VORONOI directive
New FOLD directive
New RANGELABEL function
New RANGEMERGE function
New FRAMEIMAGE function
New COOICON function
New TAGFRAME function
New IMAGECREATE function
New STRINGSUB function
New INDEX function
New INFO function
New SCHEMA function
Added parameters in SAVEPAGES directive for CMYK format
Added parameters in DISPLAY directive for transparency
Added multiple body parameters in SCHEMA function
Added a sequence as 3rd parameter in EXPAND function
Added DASHED, MARKDASH, and CROSSDASH guideline styles
Added parameters in ICON directive for width/height of the image
Added _ in the key in ICONS directive for merging icons’ space
Added parameters in COUNTER directive for inc/dec values
Added parameter in DISPLAY directive to specify transparent color
Added parameter in BORDER directive for gap in mark guidelines
Added parameter in GAP directive to fill cross guidelines
Added parameters in GAP directive to specify type, color, and cross length for middle guideline
Added FOLD parameter in DUPLEX directive
Added parameter in HTMLFONT directive to specify character spacing
Added CROSS and CROSSDOT guidelines in BORDER directive
Added parameter in FRAMEHEX function to specify diameter for hex size
Added V, S, C, and E flags in BATCH directive
Added D flag in HTMLIMAGE to disable size adjustment
Added H flag in HTMLIMAGE to disable vertical spacing
Added A and R flags in BRUSH directive for bitmap positioning
Added C and I flags in REPLACE function for case replacement
Added M and D flags in PAGE for mirror margins and center to edges
Added L, R, T, B flags in PAGE for hiding guides in half the page
Added V and H flags in FOLD directive to specify folding direction
Added A flag in FOLD to adjust gap size for folding
Added A flag in FONT for gradients calculated from the text
Added N flag in SECTION to exclude a section in cycle build
Added O flag in SECTION to disable all the other sections
Added R flag in ROUNDRECT to calculate corners
Added flags in SAVEPDF to specify PDF options
Added Z flag in HTMLFONT directive to force text on a single line

1.25 (2019-11-06)
New FACTORS directive
New LINKMULCOPY directive
New LINKEXEC directive
New LOADPDF directive
New HTMLLANG directive
New CIRCLE directive
New SYMBOL directive
New LABELMERGE directive
New HTMLFONTSTEP directive
New RANGECOUNT function
New PDFPAGES function
New STRINGSUB function
Added flags in SAVEGIFA for compression and transparent color
Added parameter in SAVEGIFA to define the transparent color
Added parameter in BORDER directive for number of guidelines
Added parameter in TOKEN for showing an image from a sequence
Added parameters in PAGE for borders in the page
Added parameters in LAYER directive to zoom in/out
Added parameters in SAVE directive to specify size image in pixels
Added M flag in HTMLFONT for multiple shadows
Added S flag in HTMLTEXT for saving font auto-size
Added Z, Y flags in HTMLTEXT for using files in RAM or saving them
Added N flag in FRAMEPER function for creating individual frames
Added G, E, J flags in HTMLFONT for alignment of the last line
Added H, Y flags in HTMLFONT for hyphenation (auto and manual)
Added C flag in HTMLKEY to specify case-sensitive keys
Added C flag in HTMLIMAGE to specify case-sensitive keys
Added I flag in IMAGE to read EXIF orientation flags
Added > symbol in ICONS parameter to add a newline
Added preview for icons from font

1.24 (2018-06-01)
New QRCODE directive
New SAVEPAGES directive
New COMPARE directive
New SET directive
New BASERANGE directive
New MOSAIC directive
New LINKENCODE directive
New HTMLKEY directive
New LINKTRIM directive
New ORIGIN directive
New LINKSTYLES directive
New COLORCHANGE directive
New LAYERDRAW directive
New JOINIF function
New ENVIRONMENT function
New FRAMEBEZIER function
New FRAMEMOSAIC function
New CASESTRING function
New RANGEMUL function
New TOKENIZESEQ function
New LABELSUB function
New parameters for cell size in HTMLMARGINS directive
Added parameters in IMAGE for position an image
Added parameters in IMAGE for stretch an image
Added parameter in HTMLTEXT for default font
Added parameter in DISPLAY for range
Added parameters in LAYER to define a layer’s name
Added parameter in HTMLFONT for background color
Added parameters in MARGINS directive for offset in even/odd pages
Added parameter COMPARE in PRINT directive
Added flag T for HTMLFONT directive
Added flag £ for FRAMELIST function
Added flags F/B for circular shift in combinatorics engine
Added flag E for derangements in combinatorics engine
Added flag in combinatorial engine for selecting only a subset of results
Added flags in LINERECT for drawing the sides of the rectangle
Added flag P in HEXGRID/FRAMEBOX/FRAMEHEX for zero-padded numbers
Added flag in HTMLFONT for small caps formatting
Added flags U/E/S/W in IMAGE for alignment of images with P/C flags
Added flags L/R/E/I in HTMLIMAGE for floating images
Added flags A/B in FILL directive to fill in area or boundary
Added floating-point counters (from AA to JJ)
Added HTMLFONT, HTMLIMAGE, HTMLMARGINS, and HTMLKEY to the visual editor
Preview for images and labels
Direct edit for values in linked file
Added parameters in command-line to define labels
Added noise pattern for backgrounds
Runtime loading of new fonts (from the program’s folder)
Cycle build (in Sections’ window)
Cache for image files

1.23 (2017-01-25)
New CANVASWORK directive
New DRAW directive
New FOLDER directive
New HTMLMARGINS directive
New LINKCOLOR directive
New LINKUNI directive
New STORE directive
New TABLE directive
New THREADS directive
New EXPAND function
New FRAMEBAR function
New REPLACE function
New TOKENIZE function
New parameter for rotation in LAYER directive
New parameters for position in TOKEN directive
New parameter for line spacing in HTMLMARGINS directive
New parameter for round text offset in TEXT directive
New parameter for round text orientation in TEXT directive
New flags N, R and C for HTMLFONT directive
New flags Z, D and G for FONT/TEXTFONT directives
New flags F, M, and L for HTMLTEXT directive
New flags Q and E for one / three quarter round text in FONT directive
Table styles th, tr and td in HTMLFONT directive

1.22 (2016-07-15)
New SAVEGIFA directive
New TAG directive
New LAYER…ENDLAYER directives
New BLEED directive
New TEXTFONT directive
New RANGEREM function
New ROUND function
New parameter in HTMLFONT directive for indentation
New A and S flags in FRAMEHEX function
New flags in FILTER function
Compare decks feature
Select card feature in virtual table
Show tags in virtual table

1.21 (2016-01-01)
New LOG directive
New LINKMULDIS directive
New CORRECTION directive
New SPECIAL directive
New EVAL function
Added O flag in FONT directive for hollow text
Added T/M/B flags in HTMLIMAGE directive for vertical alignment
Added B flag in HTMLTEXT directive for transparency
Added parameters in HTMLFONT directive for shadow/outline text
Added parameter in SAVE directive to read a transparency mask
Added parameters in FRAMETRANS function for resize
Added @ and # flags to LABELRANGE function
Added ^ and ~ flags to FILTER function
Added mask and for parameters to FILTER function
Added µ as a variable containing the current frame name
Added elliptical gradients (with @361 parameter)
Added square gradients (with @362 parameter)
Added star gradients (with @363 parameter)
Extraction of two coordinates from a frame (Pxx)
Extraction of three coordinates from a frame (Txx)
Extraction of three coordinates from a frame (Hxx)
Added support for ods and xlsm files in LINK directive
Error highlight in editor
New features in Virtual Table
New buttons for symbols § ° µ, copy script and copy script to BGG
New Auto-Layout feature (CTRL+F1 b/w – CTRL+F2 color – CTRL+F3 w/b)

1.20 (2015-07-31)
New PAGEIMAGE directive
New DISPLAY directive
New LENGTH function
New TRANSLATE function
New FRAMEPATH function
New syntax for frames, to specify two points
New syntax for frames, to specify three points of a triangle
Added TIFF support in IMAGE, PATTERN and ICON/ICONS directives
Added R/H flag in FONT directive for reverse and half-circumference circular text
Added E flag in VECTOR directive for using Inkscape as external engine
Added P flag in FONT directive for not clipping texts at the rectangle shape
Added ! flag in FILTER function to calc character distance
Added editor option to highlight the current line
Added editor option to render directives until the current line
Added option for creating placeholder images when files are missing
Creation of linked spreadsheets when not present
Added elliptical gradients for colors (use @361 in the angle parameter)
Added square gradients for colors (use @362 in the angle parameter)
Added star gradients for colors (use @363 in the angle parameter)

1.19 (2015-04-05)
New COLORS directive
Direct download from Internet for files in IMAGE directive
Added C flag in IMAGE directive for proportional crop of the image
Added V flag in FONT directive for vertical text
Added R flag in HTMLTEXT directive for vertical text
Added ç flag in random gradients for drawing stripes
Added I/O flags in permutation engine
Added option for realtime rendering of the current card
Added saturation/brightness in color picker
Added /name command line option for specifying names of saved cards

1.18 (2015-02-12)
New BATCH directive
New FRAME/ENDFRAME directives
New LINKNEW directive
New DOWNLOAD directive
New GROUP function
Added Google sheets to LINK directive
Number of card read from LINK directive
Added expression evalutation in HTMLTEXT directive

1.17 (2014-08-27)
New BEZIERS directive
New FRAMEPER function
Added frames in visual editor
Added zoom in visual editor
Added parameter in LINE/LINERECT/BEZIER/BEZIERS directives for drawing arrows
Added D flag in IMAGE directive for using DPI from file
Added F flag in FONT/FONTRANGE directives for adjusting font’ size
Added S flag in permutation engine for removing elements with the same structure
Added parameter $ in FRAMELIST function for bidirectional order
Added parameter % in FILTER function for replace
Added parameter R in FRAMEBOX function for reversed numbering
Added options to PDF creation
Added option for converting PDF files to images
Added flags for aligning sub-frames
Fixed bug in DUPLEX directive
Fixed bug in IMAGE directive
Fixed bug in visual editor

1.16 (2014-04-15)
New NANDECK directive
New RHOMBUS directive
New GRADIENTSEQ function
New RANGEADD function
New RANGESUB function
Added flag G in BUTTON directives for gradient effect
Added flag V in PATTERN/ICONS directive for vertical pattern
Added batch save for cards’ images
Added PDF conversion to CMYK profile with Ghostscript
Added L for reading last color
Added default values in MACRO parameters
Fixed bug in DUPLEX directive
Fixed bug in OVERSAMPLE directive
Fixed bug in HTMLFILE/HTMLTEXT directives
Fixed bug in ZOOM directive
Fixed bug in gradients
Fixed bug in ranges

1.15 (2013-10-28)
New LINKRANDOM directive
New VECTOR directive
New SAVEPDF directive
New BRUSH directive
New CONCAT1 function
Added parameter in RENDER directive for creating rendering ranges
Added flag R in IMAGE directive for not adjusting size of rotated images
Added shortcut CTRL+B for quick rendering of the current card
Fixed bug in SAVE directive
Fixed bug in IMAGE directive
Fixed bug in DIRFILES function
Fixed bug in sequences management

1.14c (2013-08-08)
New OVERSAMPLE directive
New ENDLINK directive
New LABELRANGE function
New parameters in BORDER directive for guidelines’ offsets
New parameter in ZOOM directive for vertical zoom
New flag in FONT directive for circular text
Fixed bug in IMAGE directive
Fixed bug in DUPLEX directive
Fixed bug in AUTORANGE function
Fixed bug in label definition

1.14b (2013-04-27)
New EDGE directive
New HTMLFONT directive
New parameter for vertical zoom for FRAMEBOX and FRAMEHEX functions
New flag S for FRAMEHEX functions
New LABELSTRING function
New feature: Shortcuts
Fixed bug in SAVELABEL directive
Fixed bug in DUPLEX directive
Fixed bug in COPYCARD directive
Fixed bug in TEXT directive

1.14a (2012-12-31)
New FRAMETRANS function
New STRINGLABEL function
Added flags PN in ICONS directive for proportional images and loading png transparency
Added flags PN in PATTERN directive for proportional images and loading png transparency
Added flags BW in FRAMEBOX function for alternating frames
Added parameter in PAGE directive for border deletion
Added parameters in FRAMECLOCK function for zoom, starting and ending angles, spirals
Added parameter in AUTOLABEL function for choosing separator
Added parameter in AUTORANGE function for resetting the counter
Added % syntax in frame size
Fixed bug in ICONS directive
Fixed bug in RECTANGLE directive
Fixed bug in DUPLEX directive
Fixed bug in IF directive
Fixed bug in % operator
Fixed bug in ? operator

1.14 (2012-09-30)
New FONTCHANGE directive
New LIMIT directive
New CONCAT function
Added parameters to PAGE directive to hide guidelines
Added parameter to TEXT directive for outlined text
Added parameter to FONT directive to disable clipping
Added parameter to SAVE directive for creating zip
Added parameters to HTMLTEXT/HTMLFILE directives to increase definition
Added parameter to FRAMECLOCK function for rotating frames
Using Frames for Frames’ definitions
Label definition with conditions and loops
Fixed bug in DUPLEX directive
Fixed bug in FONT directive
Fixed bugs in visual editor

1.13c (2012-07-30)
New DUPLEX directive
New HTMLIMAGE directive
New AUTOLABEL function
Added flag N in IMAGE directive for loading png transparency
Added color parameter in SAVE directive for saving transparency information
Added flag $ in FILTER function for filtering n-of-a-kind sequences
Added flag £ in FILTER function for filtering straight sequences
Added syntax for random color patterns
Added parameter in PRINT directive for duplex printing
Fixed bug in % operator
Fixed bug in IF directive
Fixed bug in DPI directive

1.13b (2012-05-21)
New TRACK directive
New TRACKRECT directive
Fixed bug in module for “The Game Crafter” upload
Fixed bug in LINK directive
Fixed bug in PAGE directive
Fixed bug in ICONS directive
Fixed bug in Wizard for automatic layout

1.13a (2012-03-22)
Option to upload cards’ images to The Game Crafter website
New LINERECT directive
New IMAGEFILTER directive
Boolean logic evaluation for IF directive
New label function FRAMENET
New parameters in GAP directive for mid-guidelines
New flag X in FRAMEHEX function for “easy to cut” hexagons
New parameter in CHROMAKEY directive for color range
Save images as TIFF (with options for CMYK color and multipage)
Fixed bug in TEXT directive
Fixed bug in IMAGE directive
Fixed bug in IF directive

1.13 (2011-11-22)
Wizard for automatic layout for a linked file
On-line image search
Flag for variable key size in ICONS directive
Flag A/Z for sorting sequences
Flag for not shuffle decks with DECK directive
Added parameters for card back with DECK directive
Fixed bug in evaluating expressions
Fixed bug in saving images
Fixed bug in linking xls files

1.12c (2011-08-10)
LINK directive loads Excel files
New parameter CLEAR for LINKFILTER directive
New label function FILTER
Reversing order in FRAMELIST function with “-” character before name
Syntax for extr acting a sequence’s element: “{sequence?element}”
New options for Wizard
Saving images in GIF format
Fixed bug in HTMLTEXT/HTMLFILE directives
Fixed bug in saving animated GIF

1.12b (2011-02-15)
New LINKFILTER directive
New label function FRAMECOUNT
New label function FRAMESUB
Zip file load/save
Drag’n’drop for files
Embedded help
Added flag for Internet Explorer rendering in HTMLTEXT/HTMLFILE directives
Added parameter for guide color in BORDER directive
Added parameter for mark length in BORDER directive
Added parameter for color in PAGE directive
Added expressions in frame names
Added PDF compression level
Added option to save deck as animated GIF
Fixed bug in TEXT directive
Fixed bug in TEXTLIMIT directive
Fixed bug in BORDER directive
Fixed bug with buttons

1.12a (2010-06-02)
New DICE directive
New label function FRAMELINE
New label function FRAMEDISK
New label function FRAMERECT
New label function FRAMETRI
New label function FRAMEMELD
New label function FRAMECLOCK
Extract and delete frame(s) from a pool with “!” flag
Extract random frame(s) from a pool with “~”flag
Linked files are saved with the main script
New flags for BORDER directive (for guidelines without card borders)
New flags for INPUTTEXT directive (for file browsing)
Fixed bug in CANVAS directive
Fixed bugs in LINK/LINKMULTI directives

1.12 (2010-02-07)
New HEXGRID directive
New label function JOIN
New label function PRODUCT
New label function FRAMEBOX
New label function FRAMEHEX
New label function FRAMELIST
New label function SAVELABEL
New insert Frame command
Added comments in linked files
Added features for editing linked files
Added canvas visualization
Fixed bug in nested labels
Fixed bug in multi-script engine
Fixed bug in canvas
Fixed bug in SAVE directive
Fixed bug in MACRO

1.11c (2009-12-26)
New HTMLFILE directive
New HTMLTEXT directive
New LINKMULTI directive
New COLOR directive
New FONTALIAS directive
Added Flag for randomizing colors
Fixed bug in saving images (DPI info)
Fixed bug in RTFFILE/RTFTEXT directives (transparency flag)

1.11b (2009-10-03)
New COMMENT directive
In-line comments
Button “New deck” without Wizard (this button was renamed as “wiz”)
New label function DIRFILES, for reading filenames
New frame function
Added % flag for thickness
Added WWTOP, WWCENTER and WWBOTTOM flags for vertical alignment in TEXT
Added “Load…” and “Save…” buttons in input parameters’ form
Added “Confirm + Build” button in input parameters’ form
Added two options in Config for PDF compress & open at creation
Removed old visual editor, button linked to graphic wizard
Added options in graphic wizard
Added options in linked data window
Fixed bug in RENDER
Fixed bug in MACRO

1.11a (2009-05-01)
Added parameter for transparency and mirroring in RTFTEXT and RTFFILE directives
Added parameter for Alpha-blending in RTFTEXT and RTFFILE directives
Range pattern evaluation
New operator for integer division (£)
Added option for testing linked files
Added option for checking parenthesis
Online new version check
Fixed bug in expression evaluator
Fixed bug in line numbers
Fixed bug in ROUNDRECT
Fixed bug in CHROMAKEY
Fixed bug in CANVAS

1.11 (2008-12-07)
Wizard for every directive
New ELSEIF directive
New CHROMAKEY directive
New UNIT directive
Flags H/V for mirroring in TEXT and IMAGE directives
New TEXTLIMIT directive (with variables TR, TL, TT, TB) for text’s boundaries
New IMAGESIZE directive (with variables IW, IH) for image width and height
Added parameters for skew x/y in IMAGE directive
Added parameters for outlined text in FONT/FONTRANGE directive
Sequence support for size and position parameters
Fixed bug for IF..ELSE..ENDIF

1.10c (2008-07-18)
New ICON directive
New ICONS directive
New RTFFILE directive
New RTFTEXT directive
Multiple scripts editor on separate tabs
Evaluate expressions in Autorange
Snap to grid in Table

1.10b (2008-06-04)
New PAGEFONT directive
New HEADER directive
New FOOTER directive
New DECK directive
New TOKEN directive
New parameter for BORDER directive for guidelines
Labels can be re-declared
New AUTORANGE function for labels
Virtual table feature for shuffling and dealing cards
Added “D” flag for removing duplicates in combination/permutation engine
Autosave for windows’ positions
Option for using (and registering) .nde extension for script files
Added Ctrl-S as a shortcut for Save command
Added Buttons for comment out multiple lines
Color coding comments made with ; character
Custom char for comments
Fixed bug in INCLUDE directive
Fixed bug in random function
Fixed bug in repositioning cursor after a validation error
Fixed bug in rotated text
Fixed bug in PDF creation
Fixed bug in “HV” page center flags with margins

1.10a (2007-10-05)
New BUTTON directive
% syntax for objects (and font) dimensions
Hints on directive’ syntax in editor
Combination engine limit elevated to 999999 objects
Fixed bug with wordwrapped text
Fixed bug with nested IF..ENDIF

1.10 (2007-07-18)
New FONTRANGE directive
New CANVAS directive
New CANVASSIZE directive
Go-to card command
Replace text command
Print script command
Insert images in New wizard command
Corrected bug in LINK directive
Corrected bug in color sequences

1.9c (2007-06-02)
New GRID directive
New BEZIER directive
New COUNTER directive
Newlines \13\ in TEXT directive
Formatted numbers in TEXT directive
New parameter in TEXT directive for text patterns
Remove rotations in combination/permutation engine
Text search in editor
Random numbers in expressions
Repeat strings in expressions
Mod operator # in expressions
New Insert Label command
Multicolor option in Insert Gradient command
Section labels in New wizard command

1.9b (2007-04-24)
New LINK directive
New LINKSEP directive
New ROUNDRECT directive
IF/ELSE/ENDIF construct
Alpha-channel gradients for TEXT, IMAGE and PATTERN directives
Range expressions
Label substrings
Option for single Validate+Build button
Fixed bug in image’ size

1.9a (2007-04-07)
New MACRO/END keywords for procedure definition
New ZOOM directive
New INCLUDE directive
Multiple colors gradient
Radial gradient
Gradient colors for FONT, FILL, ELLIPSE, TRIANGLE, PIE, POLYGON, STAR and LINE directives
Flags in PAGE directive for center printing
Option for using disk or RAM in creating cards
Option for including HTML colors’ labels
Most recent used files list
Command line options
Counters in {} expressions
Fixed numbers’ precision bug
Font size with decimals

1.9 (2007-01-08)
New POLYGON directive
New STAR directive
New PRINT directive
Editor merged in main window
Keyword’ syntax hints in Editor

1.8b (2006-12-10)
New COPYCARD directive
Added parameter for alpha channel in TEXT, IMAGE and PATTERN directives
Added flag “X” for textured images in IMAGE directive
Added parameters for texture’s size in IMAGE directive
Added parameter for BORDER width

1.8a (2006-11-10)
“Sequence” format in color parameters
Combinations and permutations engine for labels
Various improvements in script lists
Check for zero size of graphic elements
Fixed bug in ranges

1.8 (2006-09-18)
New SAVE directive
Higher decimal precision in dimensions
Shortcut button for the creation of PDF file
Automatic printing of script lists

1.7d (2006-09-17)
New PIE directive
New grayscale flag “G” for IMAGE directive
Alternate range syntax: 12#5 equals 12-16
Parameter BORDER=”MARK” for printing cut marks
ASCII code syntax for characters: \123\ for {, \ for \
Insert symbol dialog with ASCII code
Expression bug fixed
Visual editori bug fixed

1.7c (2006-08-30)
Parameter for line width in RECTANGLE, ELLIPSE and TRIANGLE keywords
PNG files accepted in IMAGE keyword
Default border (rectangle) for missing BORDER keyword
Default card number (count) for missing CARD keyword
Improved visual editor
Expression bug fixed

1.7b (2006-07-26)
New FILL directive
Parameter for proportional images in IMAGE directive
Keyboard shortcut added in main form
Gradient bug fixed

1.7a (2006-07-14)
RENDER keyword for rendering only a range of cards
Parameter for line width in LINE directive
Gradient picker in Editor
Visual Editor bug fixed
Gradient bug fixed

1.7 (2006-07-02)
Gradients in RECTANGLE directive
Visual positioning of graphic elements in editor
Flag for pattern fill in reverse order

1.6b (2006-06-21)
New PATTERN directive for repeating images on cards
Cancel button to stop deck building
Option to save cards’ images in jpg format

1.6a 2006-06-19
“New” button for creating new scripts
Symbol picker in Editor
Option to build only a range of cards
Evaluate expression in in images’ filename, using { and }
Card number in images’ filename, using §

1.6 (2006-06-09)
New MARGINS directive for page’s margins
New GAP directive for inserting space between cards
Transparent flag for FONT directive
Parameter for inner color in RECTANGLE, ELLIPSE and TRIANGLE directives
Parameter for empty shape in RECTANGLE, ELLIPSE and TRIANGLE directives
Multi-line commands, using { and }
Evaluate expression in text, using { and }
Card number in text expression, using §
Test for free disk space before building deck
Fixed bug in page orientation
Fixed bug in transparent images

1.5a (2006-05-31)
Text rotation bug fixed

1.5 (2006-05-26)
Color, font and image pickers in editor
Parameter for rotated text in TEXT directive
TRIANGLE directive
Expression evaluation for + – * / ^
Antialiasing flag for IMAGE directive

1.4 (2006-05-18)
Internal text editor
PDF output
New PAGE directive for page size and orientation
FONT size in typographical points (1/72 of an inch)
FONT parameter for background color

1.3 (2006-04-28)
New COPY directive
Transparency flag for IMAGE directive
Color parameter for BORDER directive

1.2 (2006-04-22)
Directive CARDSIZE for setting the dimension of the cards
Vertical alignment and word-wrap for TEXT directive
New DPI and LINE directives
Option for saving images of the cards

1.1 (2006-04-18)
“Sequence” format for text and images

1.0 (2006-04-17)
First release (directives BORDER, CARDS, ELLIPSE, FONT, IMAGE, RECTANGLE, and TEXT)

Code your graphics